The Ethical Botanist

Change a Life, Grow a Plant!

At the Ethical Botanist, we have a few goals we hope will benefit you and make your time here worthwhile!

Across the web you'll find misconceptions, misinformation, and sometimes even a general lack of understanding when it comes to plants and their care. It's our goal to create a community where plant parents and newcomers to owning plants alike can learn, discuss, and adventure within the wonderful world of plants. Below are some of the ways we seek to make a difference in the plant caretaking community!

Science Based Information

Botany is the study of plans. It is the science behind understanding plan biology, physiology, and morphology. It's the underpinning study that informs all plant caretaking information and advice. Our advice, tips, tricks, and recommendations are based on solid science in order to provide the most useful information possible; information based on the science of botany.  

Quality Plant Product Recommendations

As plant affiliate marketers, the commissions we earn from affiliate linked products allows us to keep doing what we love and providing our customers with a unique experience. We also know that nobody likes to have subpar products recommended to them. That is why we strive to do our best in recommending the best quality products we can to our readers.

Commitment to Ethics in Botany and Life

You might be wondering where ethics plays into raising plants. What we mean by raising plants 'ethically' is simple. Plants are living beings and as their caretakers, we feel it's our responsibility to care for them in an ethical manner. All the while, if we can care for our plants in ways that are beneficial to the environment and others, that's even more ethical.

Plant Education and Learning

While it may be enough to know how to fix a plant issue or get a list of conditions a particular plant needs to thrive; we think it's better to know the underlying reason why those recommendations work. That's why we do our best to always include as much information as possible when covering topics in botany, if you know better from the start, you can do better.

Not sure where to start? Not a problem, below is a list of our recent articles to peak your plant growing interests!

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